Why is The Amber Group Gaining Popularity Quickly with Cryptocurrency?

Even though it seems as if cryptocurrency trading is mostly concentrated on about a dozen major exchange platforms, the current state of token trading shows that there is still plenty of room for growth in this market segment. For this reason, it is not strange to learn that companies such as the Amber Group continue to attract venture capital investment.

The Amber Group has been around for about four years; in that time, the company has been able to earn a valuation of almost one billion dollars. Those who are familiar with the company will tell you that the current growth has a lot to do with its value proposition. In essence, the Amber Group is a B2B firm that provides important value-added services to cryptocurrency exchanges and trading platforms.

If you are wondering how the Amber Group can be worth a billion dollars after operating for less than five years, you would have to take into account that the firm manages about a billion dollars in digital assets. The company itself is ranked 21st in the world when compared to the exchanges it provides services to, but you have to keep in mind that the firm does not handle retail trading; instead, it offers cryptocurrency trading platforms the opportunity to offer derivative instruments.

It is also worth noting that as of Dec. 31, 2019, the company had been offering digital asset trading solutions for two years. It would seem that the Amber Group is still learning and adapting to modern financial services market conditions. This can be seen in that it has not yet created a trading platform for the exchange traded fund. It is highly likely that it will one day do so. It would appear that its services might be similar to those of other B2B companies such as BTCC, the Nasdaq Commodity Exchange and Nasdaq futures trading (FXTR).

In recent weeks, the Amber Group closed an investment transaction worth 1 $100 million. Executives plan on using this capital injection to expand global operations and position the company in the segment it has been able to forge in just a few years.