The Resistance to NFTs in Gaming What Does the Future Hold for NFTs in Gaming?

Gaming is a huge industry, worth about $80 billion. It's no wonder major players in the industry, like Ubisoft, are eager to join it. However, Ubisoft's announcement via YouTube didn't go over well with gamers. They were incorporating NFTs initially in Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint, but commenters were critical. They claimed Ubisoft was milking the game and putting little effort into making good games. There were even calls for boycotts. In two weeks, Ubisoft only sold 15 NFTs.

Electronic Arts' CEO Andrew Wilson has said NFTs are the future of gaming, but the company has taken no steps yet to incorporate NFTs in their games yet. Perhaps they are waiting to see what mistakes other gaming brands make when introducing NFTs, so they can avoid the same mistakes. Zynga is also set to release their new games with NFTs this year.

HFTs can be more useful if they are available for a limited time only. This can allow game players who didn't start playing until after the offer ended to still purchase the extra skin or other game enhancement through an NFT marketplace. This would encourage players to buy them if they believe they can resell them later. It also opens up a potential money-making opportunity. There is always a chance, though, that game publishers would cut off services for the game, leaving a person with useless NFTs.

There is enough resistance to NFTs in gaming to making some companies nervous. Stream blocked all NFT games, citing NFTs don't have real-world value like games have. Still, players have already spent time or money acquiring virtual items before blockchain and NFTs. These digital goods were merely rented from the game publisher, without real ownership. They had no value outside the game. Gamers will see the distinction as long as publishers create NFTs with real value and not just as a money grab.