Philanthropy is taking off in the cryptocurrency world

Spreading holiday joy and cheer can be done in many ways, including with cryptocurrency.

It's an exciting way to give back. Charitable crypto organizations are rising in popularity mostly because people want to highlight what's possible with cryptocurrency.

The Tuesday after Thanksgiving has become an important day for giving. It's referred to as Giving Tuesday.

Just this year, over $2.4 million was raised in crypto. This was all done through The Giving Block platform, which made it easy for crypto coin owners to give to their hearts' desire.

Big names and organizations believe philanthropy is going to take off in the crypto world.

It's a good thing because it won't only help fellow human beings; it'll also legitimize this type of currency. Hopefully, it'll normalize it a bit more.

The owner of The Giving Block platform says that making donations with cryptocurrency is more tax efficient, which may fuel this type of donation even further.

More nonprofits are accepting these types of donations, making it easier for crypto coin owners to give. Nonprofits like St. Jude and Save the Children are happy recipients of these sorts of donations, but there are countless others.

It should be pointed out that this isn't the only platform trying to help people during the holidays.

Upbring Innovation Labs is also getting in on the action. This company that is based in Texas is giving big. They created the Give Big TX Crypto Fund in true Texan spirit. The fund is going to organizations like Austin Pets Alive and Big Brothers Big Sisters Lonestar and many others.

These are just some of the crypto-based fundraisers that are popping up throughout the nation, which is pretty exciting. More folks have a chance to give, thanks to these fundraisers.

It's no secret that today's younger generation is more altruistic than any other. Young folks want to be helpful and want to boost their communities.

Everyone knows that cryptocurrency seems to be quite popular amongst younger folks, which pretty much tells you how important it was for crypto fundraisers to find their footing, and thankfully, they are beginning to do so.