Expansion Of Crypto Is Leading Into New Markets

Cryptocurrency Market Cap Exceeds $3 Trillion

The combined market for cryptocurrency continues to expand. Over the last year, this market has seen a great many fluctuations. During May, it was $2.62 trillion. By July, the market had once again swung in a wildly different direction. By the middle of July, the market fell to $1.24 trillion. It now stands at over $3 trillion. Investors who watch the market closely examine many forms of cryptocurrency. They have found that such gains come largely as a result of certain exchanges. The primary outlet is Bitcoin. However, others are making inroads including Ether, Polka Dot and Solana.

Mastercard Allowing Crypto Cards In the Asia-Pacific Region

In a bold move, global credit card provide Mastercard is jumping into the world of crypto currency. Mastercard is allowing crypto-linked payment cards that can be used in the Asia Pacific region. These cards are an easy way for users to connect the cards with their own digital assets and, in doing so, convert them directly into their local currency. This card is being designed with the help of three crypto providers. Both Amber Group and their well known counterpart Bitkub will serve the needs of the Thai marketplace. CoinJar will serve the needs of Australian customers.

NewYorkCityCoin is Launching

New York City officials are pleased to welcome NewYorkCityCoin to their city. Eric Adams, the new mayor, has given them a public endorsement. They will help the city with thirty percent of their rewards given to a local government fund.

Elon Musk Sells Tesla Shares

Investor Elon Musk has sold over nine hundred thousand Tesla shares. The move comes as part of his effort to pay his American tax bill. He did so after asking if he should sell some of his shares on Twitter.

Zimbabwe Looking at Bitcoin

Officials in Zimbabwe are said to be looking into Bitcoin as a form of legal tender currency. Growing demand has lead officials to consider this form of currency for use in their country. It remains to be seen if this will happen or if it is just a rumor.