Cryptocurrencies Across The Board Experiencing Decrease In Value For November

Bitcoin, the very first cryptocurrency to hit the market, which came out in 2009, has always been the most valuable cryptocurrency on the entire digital coin market. Satoshi Nakamoto's creation manages to maintain that first-place mark in terms of dollar value to this very day.

Right now, Bitcoin is treading - in terms of United States dollars, that is - at a mark of roughly $7,257 per bitcoin. Throughout 2019, the highest price that Bitcoin managed to reach was just over $13,000, which is nothing short of impressive. Despite the fact that Bitcoin still hasn't got close to breaking its all-time high value of about $19,600 per unit, which took place in December 2017.

Just last month, on October 22, 2019, the price of bitcoin was roughly $7,880. In the past month, the price of Bitcoin, as you can tell, hasn't managed to move up or down very far.

What can you take away from this?

Earlier today, on Friday, November 22, 2019, a number of the cryptocurrencies among the top 20 highest-valued coins dropped well over 10 percent each; in aggregate, the total dollar value of these top 20 cryptos dropped a few percentage points.

Today - on Friday, that is - the price of this highly-esteemed cryptocurrency began at roughly $7,600, but soon thereafter began to drop significantly, almost all the way down to $7,000.

This evening, after the traditional trading hours of financial exchanges on Wall Street in New York City, New York - that's Eastern Time, for the record - Bitcoin's United States Dollar value hit $6,800. Fortunately, for both the overall crypto market and the hundreds of thousands of individuals and thousands of businesses that own Bitcoin, it ended up hitting $7,300, showing an aggregate loss of just short of four percent.

In terms of its weekly performance, Bitcoin's price fell about 15 percent down from $8,500.

Ether, one of the top cryptocurrencies out right now, didn't have as good of a time today as BTC as it dropped down to $141, experiencing losses over 10 percent.